join FASDV

Annual FASDV fall picnic at Core Creek ParkMembership in the Finnish-American Society of the Delaware Valley includes:

  • four issues of the society’s newsletter
  • membership directory
  • open invitation to attend all of the society’s functions as well as participate in special programs.

Membership fees for 2023 are $20/person, or $25/family, per year.

Flyers hockey gameOur bigger events include a Midsummer celebration, a fall picnic, bus trips and a Christmas party. Some of our smaller gatherings consist of music evenings, cooking demonstrations, golf outings, dances, and concert trips. Our Philadelphia Flyers Finnish Hockey Night are one of our member favorites and provide our members with an opportunity to meet the Finnish players.

Please contact us for more information or to join. You can join now by clicking the button on the right (select your membership level first), or download, print and mail the membership application.